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Next-gen banking with Payzello’s unicard

  • Payzello ranks #9 on our APAC’s top 10 retail neobanks to ace CX.

Payzello company profile

*Customer reach source

Payzello 8-point customer experience parameter analysis

source twimbit analysis

Top customer experience initiatives

#1 The 3-in-1 card

Payzello combines debit, credit and forex capabilities into a single card and allows the customer to switch between the three, the default being credit. This automation of expenses is made possible by using technology to analyse transactions.

The unicard is accessible across all ATMs, POS and online terminals.

In addition to this, Payzello offers virtual cards to its customers, which they can use to make online purchases wherever RuPay is accepted.

Payzello offers in-app card control for security purposes – customers can lock or unlock their cards instantly and set category limits.

#2 Budget IQ summary

This feature:

  • Shows how much the customer has spent by category
  • Offers various labels such as “safe to spend” and “alternatives” to help customers navigate budgeting and savings
  • Tracks customer spending and gives real-time expenditure warnings
  • Helps analyse the customer’s spending categorically and saves the perfect amount automatically, every day.

Figure 1: Category spending by Payzello shows how much a customer has spent out of his budget

Graphical user interface, application, Teams

Description automatically generated
source Payzello website

Other customer experience initiatives

How you can match up to Payzello

  • Introduce unicard and virtual cards
  • Have an in-app chatbot assistant
  • Offer real-time expenditure warnings to your customers

Actionable insights for Payzello

  • Update its blog and maintain it, as it is a great way to interact with customers, set up a dialogue, or even start a conversation. It also serves as a platform to reach customers and address their problems. Educational blogs are a great thing, to begin with.
  • Gamify its community, launch a special community card with extra benefits for its cardholders. For instance, a special community card could give its members one free dine-in for every quarter.

Read full report here.
